Create unlimited plans!

The choice is yours

It's up to you to choose the best solution for your project

HD Credits included

Immerse yourself in your room by creating photo-realistic images of your shots.

Premium support

A problem with your 3D plan? We promise to get back to you within 48 hours (working days).

Find the right offer for your needs

Start your project and discover the 3D plan
3 free 3D plans
Unlimited modifications and back-ups
5 free HD credits for realistic photos of the project
Free classic image capture
A catalogue of 16,000 products

Compare our offers

3 Plans Pack
Premium Subscription
3D drawings
3 éditables
Additional 3 editables
HD credits
30 additional
20 / month
Modifications and backups
A catalogue of 16,000 products
Shopping list
Free classic image capture
Restore deleted plans
Premium customer support
No advertising

For all your questions

We have an answer to bring you
What are the paid services at Kozikaza?
Once you've created your first 3 plans, if you want to create other plans, you'll need to upgrade to a paying plan. Either a 3 plan pack at 14€90 or a premiuim subscription at 9€90 per month. Find out more (link to landing)
To create photorealistic images of your shots or 360° views, you need to buy credits. You get 5 credits free when you sign up, then you can buy a 5-credit pack for €2 or a 50-credit pack for €15.
Can I buy individual plans?
Who is the Premium subscription for?
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
How do I receive an invoice?
The price indicated on our site is valid for purchases made in France and includes current French VAT. Prices displayed are in euros (EUR) and include all applicable taxes.
For orders placed in European Union (EU) member countries other than France, VAT will be adjusted according to the rate in force in the country of destination. Exact prices and taxes will be calculated and indicated during the checkout process, before finalizing your order.